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Is comprised of professionals who have work experience in power sector industry. Technical understanding and knowledge differentiate IG Capital Partners. Based on a wide network with strategic and financial investors, IG Capital Partners optimizes its investment structure with competitive partners in accordance with a nature of project.
Before you decide which investment strategy to follow, you need to take a good look at your current circumstances and your future financial goals. Having these outcomes in mind will help you determine which strategy is right for you.
Your Investment strategy is like your game plan to building your portfolio. But it is very important that you find the one that's right for your objectives and situation in life. A 25 year old should have a different strategy then a 65 year old.
We generally spend a decent amount of time planning for our workday, a vacation, and buying a car, but we often forget (or choose to ignore) the most important plan of all: mapping out our investment strategy and plan for growing old and retiring.
Investing your money without an investment strategy is like a football team going into a game without a playbook. Although they are not required, they significantly improve your chances of winning.